I’ve known Todd for a number of years and last year when I met Katie too and had the opportunity to discuss their wedding plans I knew then it was going to be an absolute cracker!!

country wedding apple orchard kent

A little drive in the car down to Kent the day before the main event I was greeted at the Burr household with a table full of pizza and huge beaming smiles from family and friends sat round the table ready to descend upon the village hall to prepare for the big day. A walk around the families apple orchard to pick some spots we may want to utilise the next day and we were all set!

That initial 5mins set the tone for the wedding day celebrations. So many sets of helpful hands, so much love… and then of course there’s Katie & Todd themselves!!!! Off the charts soppy romantics (both of them!!) From the wedding gifts they got to each on the morning right through to way they never take their eyes off each other. You can tell when ‘ridiculously in love’ is being faked… these guys are the real deal!! 🙂

Enjoy the set.

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Online Slideshow

The slideshow showcases the images from the entire day and is available to stream at 1080p.  Select HD for the best viewing experience.

[vimeo id=”131759617″ width=”830″ height=”553″ autoplay=”no” apiparams=”” class=””][/vimeo]

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