OCF Workshop 1.2 – 16th May ’18
I’ve teamed up with Andy Davison to deliver an off camera flash workshop on the 16th of May in Norwich, 12pm-8.30pm.
The workshop is limited to 6 seats to ensure a cosy environment where individuals will be encouraged to ask questions to cement their understanding of the content delivered. This is aimed at working wedding photographers looking to add a string to their bow and better understand the mechanics and practical uses off camera flash.
Encompassing uses for real world scenarios whether it’s to add light where it’s needed or bring a creative edge to your portraits, we’re going to back up the theory with examples and then execute the learning with an live evening sunset shoot come rain or shine to give you the confidence to go forth happy flashing!
You’re not going to be expected to have a any working knowledge of off camera flash to attend. However, as a minimum requirement, we are suggesting you are comfortable shooting in manual mode and know your way round ISO, Shutter & Aperture settings on your camera. We’d love to see you!!
Workshop Outline
Workshop Rave

I wanted to really thank you both. I was shooting with 2 light setup here, but once the dancefloor action started I followed James’ way of shooting and added a on camera flash to add fill light.
I can’t believe that I was shooting with three groups knowing exactly how to switch each group off, change settings, and understand the impact of it after one day with you both.
I know there is a long way yet to go, but I feel really relieved that I now understand this better and also no longer scared of trying different things. Rather than guessing I could problem so when things didn’t look right and add or remove lights/change Flash exposure. I really appreciate you guys sharing your knowledge so freely.
I wouldn’t say I LOVE flash , but I already feel more confident and comfortable using it when I have to .
Snaps from the OCF Workshop 1.1

Buy Your Ticket
6 seats are available for the workshop on a first come first served basis. Additional dates may be announced subject to demand.
The button below will take you to the Eventzilla sit where you can make a purchase.